Unsure of what something on this page means? Tip: Items shown in RELATED PRODUCTS below have also been found in hot tub systems with Balboa 54362 GVS501R1(x) circuit boards. Replacing the heater and/or pump with a new one is recommended if any of those scenarios apply. Encompassing everything you need in one product, there is so much more beneath the surface.

Experience all-inclusive technology with family and friends from glacier pure filtration to raging multi-speed power. If a burned relay was powering a pump and all electrical connections are tight then the relay is probably old and worn out or the pump might be bad or going bad or all three. Find the spa parts you need including hot tub accessories, filters, spa covers, jets, plumbing parts, spa electronics and more. From coast to coast, Great Lakes Hot Tubs deliver luxury, service and relaxation. If all connections are tight and if the heater is good then the heater relays are probably old and worn out. Great Lakes 4 button topside control panel MVP260 model 90 degree49400 for GVS501 System is on sale at Hot Tub Outpost. Tip: Burned circuit boards or burned heater relays are often due to a loose electrical connection or a bad heater or both. These just stick on to the control panel to map the correct button layout for your particular spa. is fully fenced in with in-ground pool, fire pit area, deck, and hot tub. We offer factory original overlay graphics for the control panels as well. The house is located in the heart of the Finger Lakes and sits right on the. See RELATED PRODUCTS below for heater replacements. Factory original control panels for Great Lake spas include the 4 button Great Lakes control panel 51001100. Contact us by phone for more details on testing a heater.

Pillows, Jets, Filters, Topside Control Panels and many others. NOW SHIPPING blue generic overlay to replace this discontinued overlay - see blue overlay photo. Great Lakes Spa pumps, touch control pads, jet, filters & topsides Order your cheaply. Note: A continuity test is not a sufficient heater test. Emerald Spa Great Lakes 6 button control panel overlay for Great Lakes 6 button control panel. Emerald Spa Great Lakes control panel overlay for MVP240 GLS 3 button control panel model with pump and blower. Tip: When replacing a hot tub circuit board, testing the heater and replacing it (if bad), is recommended before installing or applying voltage on a new circuit board. Great Lakes GL4 4 Person 24 Jets Spa for 4-5 persons in this 24 jet hot tub.